Essential Oils

Essential oils are unique in the fact that they carry a distinct scent, or essence specific for each individual plant.  Essential oils aid our body in healing, fighting diseases and strengthening our emotional, mental, and spiritual centers.  Essential oils also last a very long time.  Most have a "shelf life" of 10-50 years.  I use Essential Oils after completion of a zone to better aid the body in returning to it's true and perfect state.

Have you ever heard of Aromatherapy?  No, yes, well now you have and now you get to learn more about it.  How exciting for you!
Aromatherapy is the practice of using the natural oils extracted from flowers, bark, stems, leaves, roots or other parts of a plant to enhance psychological and physical well-being. The inhaled aroma from these "essential" oils is widely believed to stimulate brain function. Essential oils can also be absorbed through the skin, where they travel through the bloodstream and can promote whole-body healing. source

There are many places to apply essential oils to the skin.  If you are unsure of where to apply the oils the best place is your feet.  Within 22 minutes of application the oils is absorbed into the bloodstream and is working in full force.

When you first begin in this "new world" of essential oils it can all be very overwhelming.  There are so many different oils and each oil has many different benefits, not all of which are stirctly physical.  They also have spiritual and emotionl properties too. There are some good starter oils that we would recommend.

Lavender oils is extracted from the panicle part of the plant.  This is an oil that works for almost everything.  If you aren't sure what oil to use in a certain situation, use Lavender.  Lavender is a very calming oil and can be used on anyone from small children to the elderly.  It is great for burns, insomnia, sunburns, insect bites, headaches, cuts and scrapes, and rashes.  It is also very good for indigestion and anxiety (since we all have a little bit of that :)).  Lavender also has the ability to speed up cell growth.
Properties: antiseptic, diuretic, exporctorant, emmenagogue, antiparasitic, sedative, anti-inflammatory.

Black Pepper- 
Black Pepper is an Essential oil that isn't used nearly enough by many people.  This is close to our favorite oil...ever... Black Pepper is extracted from the fruit of the Black Pepper tree.  Some of the physical benefits include reducing pain and bruising (especially with sprains and strains of the joints and muscles).  It is great for arthritis, aiding the nervous system, circulation, digestive system, menstral cramps, and headaches.  It also restores energy and helps your body to store sunshine.  (And let's face it, with winter approaching it could be a big help to those "winter blues" we all get because the sun goes into hiding.)  For those who suffer from fibromyalgia Black Pepper is a great oil to use (Use in an almond oil carrier oil).

For every essential oil there are extra emotional and spiritual benefits.  With Black Pepper those can include creating inner strength and freeing the mind from jealousy and negativity.
Properties:  analgesic, anti inflammatory, antispamodic, antiseptic, laxative, stimulant

The value of this oil is not strictly limited to our day and time.  Out of all the gifts in the world to bring the infant Christ, the wisemen chose Frankincense as one of them.  Frankincense is extracted from the resin of the tree.  Frankincense has the ablility to keep away negative energy and hold positive energy around you.  It can also help you have a deeper understanding.  This essential oil is great for addiction as well as ADD and ADHD because it has the ability to cross the blood brain barrier.  Frankincense has the ability to strenthen the immune system, help with circulation problems, hemorrhoids, coughs, colds, depression, headaches, and nervous conditions.  It also helps with cravings (to things like soda, chocolate, dairy... ya know all those yummy not so great things).
Properties: Tonic, stimulant, expectorant, antidepressant, antiseptic, revitalizer, anticatarrhal, antitumoral

These 3 oils are safe to be used on children as well as adults.  When using any Essential Oils make sure to use proper dilution in a carrier oil such as almond, apricot, avocado, or coconut oil.  Less is more when it comes to Essential Oils.  Really you only need 2-3 drops of essential oil even if you are covering a large area.  That means you need to use more carrier oil.  The carrier oil will act as a lubricant, spreading the essential oil farther.

Please make sure when you are using essential oils that you are using the highest quality theraputic grade.  Today you can walk into any health food store and see a vast array of so called organic essential oils.  Use caution when purchasing any essential oil making sure the proper (latin) name is always located somewhere on the bottle.

Mu first choices of oil brands are Primavera and Shirley Price.  Both companies are based in Europe where the organic standard is much higher than the standard US purity scale.

Feel free to email me with questions about essential oils and Foot Zoning.

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