
Kathy (Mount Vernon, IL) 
Katelyn, I cannot quit singing your praises! Today my daughter had her 1 yr appointment. We do her shots on a delayed schedule so we are off a bit. The doctor examined her. She is 20.8 lbs, 29 inches tall. The doctor said that she is amazed that this is the same scrawny baby I brought in after birth. That she really learned a lot from watching how I fought for her developmental milestones and how I fought her with the food allergies. She said she now recommends all of her Patients that are having the respiratory issues my daughter had to go off all dairy and soy for at least 2 weeks and that she has seen a dramatic decrease in prescribing medications due to it. I owe it all to you! I also told her about the lavender oil I put on my daughters rug burn and how it was gone the next day!! Thank you again for your suggestions and making such a difference in my little ones life. From birth to 4 months we were at the doctor ever 2-3 weeks with the steroids, antibiotics, and breathing treatments 4 times a day. Since she went off soy and dairy at 4 months, we've been in there ONE time for an ear infection. All other visits were well visits. That is huge!! :)

Teri (South Weber, UT)
Before I came across Katelyn's zoning I was dealing with weekly migraines for my entire life and most recently a lack of energy. I was desperate for help as I had tried every medication that was prescribed to me; the many maintenance medications were unsustainable for many reasons and only worsened the frequency and severity of my migraines. So after researching zoning and discussing my concerns with Katelyn, I tried a zone. Over the course of a year while I was watching my diet, getting recommended sleep, exercising, taking vitamins and supplements, it wasn't until the weekly zoning began that I noticed a marked decrease in my migraines. As a migraineur, I know I have to be vigilant about every aspect of my health in order to avoid triggering migraines but I am grateful for Katelyn and her help as a new and vital piece of my health regimen.

Jamie (SLC, UT)
I have had this done and it is WONDERFUL! I'd be having it done once a week if I lived closer! I HIGHLY recommend it!

Meagan (Centerville, UT) 
Katelyn is AMAZING!!! Within a week of my first zoning, I'd lost weight, I was able to concentrate more, I scored higher on tests at school, I was able to sleep better, and most importantly, my period was NORMAL. That has never happened. If you haven't been zoned, DO IT NOW! Take control of your health and you will NOT regret it!

Debbi  (Centerville, UT)
I have been seeing Katelyn Shaw for several months now. As an aromatherapist and foot zoner, Katelyn is an inspired and gifted practitioner. She is intuitive and has a photographic memory. She remembers, seemingly, every detail from one visit to another about the conditions in my system. She picks up on things that are going on before I mention them or even know about them. She can make suggestions about different issues that are very helpful to my personal well-being. I would not go without checking in periodically with Katelyn so I can take care of my health in the way I choose. She is a fantastic resource for helping me determine what proactive measures I need to take to stay in tip top shape. Katelyn is a genius! I would recommend her to anyone interested in taking their health into their own hands and being self-reliant and in charge of life. My whole family has seen Katelyn and her interventions are I'm a big fan! Debbi D

Whitney (Farr West, UT)
I used to not believe in the whole foot zoning experience. I thought it was a bunch of voodoo. But I've been going to Katelyn for a while now. I first really noticed the benefits with my back. I work long days of standing and then in the same day go and teach dance (more standing). So my back tends to hurt all the time. Once I go to Katelyn she can find the problem and fix it with just rubbing my feet and used oils. It's pretty cool. I'm a believer now. I would recommend it to anyone.

Cherlyn (Alexandria, VA)
I had an infection on my lower back. I was told by my doctor and the surgeon that it had been there for a long time and that it was unlikely to go away on it's own. They put me on a round of antibiotics and it did not clear up the infection. They scheduled me for surgery 2 weeks later. I was zoned by Katelyn and continued to put and essential oil on the infection several times a day. I went back for my pre-op appointment and the infection was gone. NO SURGERY!!! I am a believer and am looking for more ways this can help my family and me.

Kati (Woods Cross, UT)
Katelyn is fantastic. She knows her stuff, is willing to do anything she can to help my little one and its very flexible. I will go to her for all my holistic and essential oil needs! Thanks voodoo lady!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I was in soo much pain from strep throat, Katelyn came to my home and did a lymph drain on my neck! Within a few hours I felt like a new person! She also gave me direction on what oils to use to kick the strep throat and also what oils to use to keep my kiddos and husband from getting it. She was a miracle worker! I was totally impressed!
