Friday, January 11, 2013

The Spiritual Properties

All Essential Oils have many different properties.  Last post we discussed some physical benefits.  However there are also Emotional/Mental and Spiritual properties.  Today we're going to go into a little more depth with some Essential Oils and the spiritual traits they hold.

Angelica Root-  

Angelica archangelica

In Germany it is called the Oil of Angels. Archangelica comes from the Greek word "arkhangelos" (=arch-angel), due to the myth that it was the archangel Michael who told of its use as medicine.source  Because it has a very high vibration it helps to bring in more light in order to aid you in seeing your inner vision.  It also has the ability to bring the darkness within each of us to the surface so that it can be released.  This Essential Oil brings abundance, strength, and comfort.  It also helps you to see what stands between you and God and helps you to come more Christ minded.  Angelica Root has the ability to weaken the power of traumatic memories and is a great tool to use with trauma therapy.  It can minimize the emotional problems that come as a result of traumatic experiences.  This Essential Oil can reconnect the connection band (Pituitary, Thalmus, Hypothalmus, Pineal glands) in the brain.

Hussopus off.decumbens
The Essential Oil Hyssop is a great oil for depression.  It is very uplifting and provieds direction and helps you to see the path you should travel in life.  It also helps you to be more organized and have better concentration.  Hyssop brings inspiration, wisdom, and lifts you to a higher awaremess.  It aids in getting rid of guilt and fear.  This Essential Oil can remove negativity.  It is a great oil for those who suffer from anxiety.



Salvia Officinalis
The Latin name for sage means to "save" or "to heal".  Sage has a very high spiritual vibration.  That right there brings peace to my soul.  It helps to increase longevity and brings strength to the body.  It also helps increase your understanding and helps you gain more wisdom.  This oil is good to help your ego, pride, and jealousy issues.  Sage helps with conflicts with children.  It helps with those who are over sensitive, overworked, and tired. This oil also helps to protect from evil spirits. However people with a bad temper should avoid using this oil.

Helichrysum italicum
Immortelle (also known as Helichrysum or Italian Everlasting) gives us a more balanced perspective.  This is a good oil to use for emotional healing.  It helps release defense mechanisms and offers comfort during the processing of difficult emotions.  This awesome oil promotes an acceptance of the changes that happen within after we process and deal with difficult emotions.  Immortelle can also give you the needed self-confidence to make hard decisions.  It gives us the ability to endure problems in a more positive way until the problem is taken care of.  Immortelle helps you to stop worry about the past (even if the worries are subconscious worries)-use with Angelica Root for this purpose.

Each and everyone of these oils also has benefits for our physical body.  They are equally as amazing as the spiritual and mental properties.  Remember that 1-2 drops of these oils is enough to help with anything.  As always, simply add them to a carrier oil (avocado, almond, grape seed) so that they cover the desired area.  If you are unsure of where to apply the oils your feet is ALWAYS your best bet.  Remember that if you have a health problem or you are pregnant you should also consult an aromatherapist before using any oil.  There are some oils that should not ever be used on pregnant women.  Be sure to educate yourself about the oils you are wanting to sue before you use them.

If you have any questions about these essential oils and their uses and purpose feel free to contact me at, day or night.  I'll respond as soon as I can.  You can also contact me if you have any questions with regards to Foot Zoning or any other Essential Oils.


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