Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Test It Tuesday

For those who aren't on social media sites like Facebook or Instagram here are the last few Test it Tuesday blend or tricks.  Every Tuesday (ok sometimes Wednesday morning) I post something that I have used that has helped me or my family.  It's been fun to hear people tell me what I recommended on Test it Tuesday worked for them too!

It's the beginning of march and guess what, I already have 3 mosquito bites! How is that possible?! I whipped out the big guns for this one, well the tricky guns actually. Step 1 is to put 1 drop of lavender and 1 drop of fennel directly on the bite. Step 2 is to put the spoon under hot running water for 20-30 seconds. Step 3 is to hold the warm spoon on the bite for 7-10 seconds. You want the spoon warm to the touch but not hot enough it'll burn you. This does a few things to help with the bite. #lavender helps soothe the itch #fennel pulls out the poison and the spoon actually kills the proteins which makes it not itch again. Seriously after this I haven't noticed my bites at all and they are in spots that rub on shirts and jackets. So excited and ready for spring! #mosquitobites #naturalhealing #natutalmedicineforthewin #essentialoils #innersoles #aromatherapy #lifeofahippie #trickytricky #shirleyprice #doterra

It's the week of love so this #testittuesday is a little something to get you in the mood and bring unity to your and your someone special. #Ylangylang and #orange are an intoxicating smell. Ylang ylang extra {latin name: Cananga ordorata} is a heart/middle note. Aromatically ylang ylang brings back feelings of confidence, joy, and peace. Ylang ylang is helpful for insecurity, low self-esteem, anger, rage, and dare-devil tendancies. Ylang ylang balances the male-female energies and hormones in the body by stimulating the adrenals and thymus gland. It is great for pms and other hormone related complaints. Because of hormonal properties and the nervine properties it is great for depression, irritability, anxiety, rapid breathing, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, hypertension, insomia, and physical/mental exhaustion. It increases sex drive and is very erotic. ****There are two types of ylang ylang. Extra is extracted 2 hours after the distillation process begins, it is sweet and very strong so a little goes a long way. Complete takes the 1st (extra) and the 2nd distillation being "pulled" for a lonfer period of time.**** Orange {latin name: citrus sinensis} is a top note. Orange has sweet scent and promotes well being and happiness. It is helpful to alleviate tension and energy blocks. It helps over all immune function. ***photo toxic. Avoid sun exposure after topical application*** #innersoles #essentialoils #aromatherapy #weekoflove #valentinesday2014 #iteach #testittuesday #footzoner #footzonology
I had a great blend in mind to diffuse but I wasn't home much. After a meeting I stopped at a local Mexican restaurant that puts your food in tin foil dishes. Well my lunch fought back and I lost. :-( I put yarrow and sage directly on out and watched as it sealed shut and stop bleeding. #testittuesday #innersoles #essentialoils #aromatherapy This is what we call #bluemagic. This is what we use on all cuts and scrapes. We also use it for any type of bleeding. #Yarrow and #Sage have amazing healing benefits. Yarrow {latin name: Achillea millefolium} middle notes. Properties: anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, cholagogue, cicatrisant, diaphoretic, digestive, expectorant, hemostatic, hypotensive, stomachic Yarrow is an amazing healing oil. This can be applied to all cuts, including very drop ones, and it will pull the edges together and help thr cut heal. It prevents infection, regardless of how dirty or contaminated the conditions. Because yarrow gross wild in many places, many branches of the US armed forces are taught to find the plant and have on hand in emergency situations. Yarrow essential oil acts on the bone marrow to stimulate the creation of red blood cells and enhance the coagulation of the blood. Sage {latin name: Salvia officinalis} top note. Properties: antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, anticancerous, immune stimilant, antispasmodic, analgesic, diuretic Sage is considered the "master healer". It clears away cellular debris and strengthens cell wall integrity. It's also useful for arthritis, dandruff, hair loss, skin conditions, gingivitis, sprains, firming tissues. LARGE DOSES OF SAGE SHOULD BE AVOIDED BY THOSE WHO SUFFER FROM SEIZURES. AVOID DURING EARLY STAGES OF PREGNANCY AND WHILE NURSING. #innersoles #lifeofahippie #footzoner #aromatherapy #iteach #footzonology #testittuesday #blend #essentialoils #primavera #yarrow #sage #everyoneshouldownthis #firstaidkit Today's #testittuesday is a blend that has helped me so much. I've never been shy about the fact that my life has been filled woth emotions, some good and some bad. Recently our struggle with secondary fertility is taking it's toll on my heart and emotions. I knew I needed a little boost. This is the perfect for emotional support. #innersoles #lifeofahippie #footzoner #aromatherapy #footzonology #essentialoils #iteach #primavera #testittuesday #orange #angelicaroot Angelica root {Latin name: Angelica archangelica} is a middle note and has SO many amazing benefits, phyically, mentally and emotionally. Properties: anticoagulant, antiviral, calming, expectorant, sedative, stomachic, tonic Emotionally/mentally Angelica root can weaken the power of traumatic memories and events. The event is still there, along with the memories but the devastating effects are greatly minimized. This happens because of the powerful effect it has on the liver. The liver is known to hold anger and rage so releasing these helps the liver release the physical toxicity. Physically Angelica helps with headaches, muscle aches, fatigue, dry hair and skin, and poor circulation. It is strengthening for the adrenals, kidneys, ovaries and prostate. It is good for blood cell formation, bladder problems, gastritis, influenza, menopause, and seizures. *Angelica root should be avoided if pregnant* Orange {Latin name citrus sinesis} is a top note. Properties: disinfectant, diuretic,, calmative, anticoagulant, sedative, stomachic, cholagogue, tonic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, antibiotic, depurative, anti-inflammatory. Emotionally and mentally it helps with frustration and discouragement which block the energy to and from the liver. Having that blocked energy causes moodiness, irritability, nausea, headaches, and insomnia. Orange can help with all of those emotions and problems. It helps possible emotional support to overcome sadness. It's also helpful with anxiety and depression. Physically orange helps improve overall immune function, increases lymphatic drainage, improves digestive function, and raises low blood sugar levels. Also helps with wrinkles because hydrates and strengthen the cells of the epidermis. *Orange is photo toxic and should not be applied topically when in direct sun exposure*

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