Monday, January 13, 2014


In a recent converstaion with fellow oil users about adding oils to drinks in order to take them internally it was brought to my attention that many don't know or understand the need to use emulsifiers.
An emulsifier is something that you add your drink, bath water, or spray in order for the oils to disperse evenly through the water.  It's basic science that oil and water don't mix.  They need something else to make them travel evenly through the water. An emulsifier is used when ever you want to mix two components and keep them from separating. Emulsifiers should be used when you have one part that is oil based and the other part is water based. In order to make oil and water stay mixed you need to use an emulsifier.

The emulsifier need to be mixed with your essential oils BEFORE you add them to your water based spray, bath, or drink. You want to make sure the essential oils are well blended with the emulsifier first. The following are Emulsifiers that we've tried and liked.
Epsom Salt
It's great for baths, sprays, and limited use in drinks.  For use in baths we mix 2 cups Epsom salt with 1 cup Baking soda, 3-5 drops of essential oil and then add that to the bath water right before getting in the bath.  For sprays (such as "owie spray" and hand sanitizer) just take a handful of epsom salt and add your oils to that, then place that in the container (glass is always best) and shake to incorporate.

Redmond Clay
This is good in drinks and baths.  For drinks use 1/2 teas of clay to 3-4 drops of essential oil to 16 ounces of water.  Redmond Clay has MANY benefits.  For more info you can visit their website HERE.

Raw Organic Honey
Honey is a natural sweetener so for those who need a little extra to their drinks this is great.  I recommend using 1/2 teas of honey to 2-3 drops of essential oil.  To get the honey to incorporate you can warm it slightly or add to a glass bottle and shake vigorously.  

I decided to show those "doubters" the true difference of using an emulsifer. In the following video we used Raw Organic local honey, Doterra Wild Orange Essential Oil, Distilled water, and 2 glass cups.

These are picture proof that there is a difference when using essential oils with emulsifiers and using them without.

 You can very clearly see the oils sitting on the surface in the glass that didn't have honey.  

I hope this info is helpful.  One of my goals this year is to be able to educate as many people as possible on proper techniques to best benefit their body with essential oils, zoning, and food.  I am continually learning and so that means I'm continually sharing.  
As always if you have any questions never hesitate to email, text, private message, or call.
Katelyn Shaw

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