Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Essential Oil of the Week: Sage

The Essential Oil of the Week is one that isn't common.  In fact some essential oils companies don't carry it at all.  Friends I would like you to meet Sage.
Latin name: Salvia officinalis

Sage Essential Oil can often be labeled as Salvia.  Sage Essential Oil is different from Clary Sage.  They come from different plants and have very different purposes.  The Latin name for Sage means "save" or "to heal".  The Lakota Indians and the Romans considered sage as the "master healer".

Sage has a very high spiritual vibration.  It help increase longevity and brings strength to our body.  It is a good oil for alleviating the effects of prolonged stress on the body and mind.  Sage is amazing in the aspect that it can clear our energy and strengthen it's ability to protect us from negative things.  Sage can bring clarity and vision to us if we will just allow ourselves the time to find it.  

Sage gives strength to the vital centers of the body and strengthens the pelvic chakras and the organs in it.  Sage is helpful for any distrubances related to nerve deterioration or prolonged nervous stress.  Sage is great for lymph congestion as well.  It can clear away cellular debris and strengthens cell wall integrity.  Sage is very useful for arthiritis, dandruff, hair loss, skin conditions, gingivitis, sprains, and firming tissues.  

It is also good for addictions, anemia, bitterness, bladder infections, circulation, decongestant, coughing, cramps, frost bite, gingivitis, hormone balance, temptations, tired tonsils, tooth infection, uterus deficiency, and varicose veins.

When I first entered the world of essential oils I started using Sage for my depression and anxiety (most of which come from stress).  It was amazing.  I could feel myself going down.  I would put 2 drops of sage on my hands, rub it on my chest and back of my neck and be functioning and fine in a few minutes.  It is also helpful for stress, negative thoughts, over sensitivity, being over worked, ego, pride and jealousy and helps you to focus.  I've since started adding a drop of benzoin and a drop of frankincense when I'm feeling super stressed.  The combination seems to help even more.

Sage is oils a good oil to use with congestion and stagnation in the lungs.  You can mix it with warm wheat germ oil and massage it into the upper back and chest.  

Another thing that is pretty amazing about Sage is that it can stop bleeding.  I have a friend who hadn't purchased Yarrow (the best oil to use to stop bleeding in my opinion) yet but had sage.  Her son was running to catch the bus and tripped on the curb and smacked his head on the bus steps.  He split his lip open right under his nose.  She actually had sage in her pocket and dumped it on his lip.  It sealed the wound shut and stopped the bleeding.  She went to the doctor and he didn't even have to have 1 stitch.  The doctors couldn't figure it out because the cut went all the way through his lip.  She applied oils 4 times a day to it to help it heal and he has only a minor scar.

Properties:  anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antidepressant, stimulant, tonic, calative, anti-infectious, antiseptic, nervine, antibacterial, anticancerous, immune stimlant, has estrogen-like properties

Sage is a Top Note

DO NOT USE DURING PREGNANCY (dries up breast milk)

It is suggested that Sage essential oil should be avoided when you are feeling angry.  The reason for this is because it gives you energy during bouts of anger it can give energy to the anger (making it worse) and cause your blood pressure to rise.  All things we don't want.

As always, any questions or concerns that you have don't hesitate to leave a comment or shoot me an email. Innersoles01{at}gmail{dot}com

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