Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Essential Oil of the Week: Lavender

I'm going to start highlighting single Essential Oils once a week.  Seeing as there are over 200 single oils to choose from I think one a week will be good to start with.  This week I'm going to talk about Lavender.

Lavender is my go to oil.  I carry it with me everywhere I go.  If I'm in a crunch and can't think of what Essential Oil to use I grab my lavender.  It is safe to use on kids, pregnant women, and the elderly (all groups of people where Essential Oils should be used with caution).  First some background information about Lavender.  A chemist named Gattefossé discovered after severly burning his hand in his lab that lavender essential oil was a wonderful healer of burns.  He couldn't find water anywhere after he burned his arm and just dunked his arm in Lavender essential oil.  His arm healed and he was left with no scars.  A few weeks ago my mom burnt her finger (right by the nail bed) on a hot glue gun.  She had kept ice on it for a few hours and it was still just as painful as before.  I headed over to her house and found her attempting to open a bottle with one hand.  I told her to go put some lavender on the burn.  A few minutes later the burning sensation was gone and within a day the burn itself was completely gone and didn't blister at all.  Lavender has the ability to speed up cell growth and therefore reduces scaring and helps cuts, scrapes and all types of wounds.  Lavender help bring balance between masculine and feminine energies and also balances our body during physical and emotional stresses.   Lavender can be helpful for dermatitis, eczema and sunburns.
A few weeks ago the weather was warm for utah so I sent the kids out to play.  J was in short sleeves and his forearms got a little red.  I mixed some witch hazel water with some lavender and sprayed on his arms and within a few hours the redness was gone and he was perfectly happy.  I've done it a couple times on myself and works great.  I've also used it for bug bites.  When the weather was warm the misquitos came out in full force.  Literally in 1 day I got bit 14 times!  I lathered myself in lavender and the itching stopped.

Some other things Lavender can help with is Allergies, chapped lips, bruises, dandruff, depression, digestion problems, eczema, edema, flu, headaches, insomnia, motion sickness, muscle strains, nose bleeds, pain, panic, parasites, psoriasis, anxiety, sinusitis thrush and stress.

I add a few drops of Lavender to my wash to help freshen my laundry as well.  Lavender is also an immune stimulant as well as a nervous system relaxant.

Always remember that Lavender in small doses can be relaxing and in large doses can be stimulating.  We put lavender on our boys feet and chest before they go to bed.  One night J didn't want to sleep so every time he got out of bed the hubs put Lavender on him.  He got so frustrated and called me and said "I have no idea what I'm doing wrong!?  I've put 2 drops of lavender on him like 5 times!"  I just about died laughing.  J ended up staying up until 3 am.  Needless to say we learned a lesson there.

Lavender Essential Oil is a mild oil and can often be applied Neat (without a carrier oil) to the skin however everyone reacts differently to every oil.  My children can handle Lavender neat but I have a client (in her 30's) who can't.  The best area of application for Lavender is either directly on the place you are hoping to help or your feet.  However if you are wanting the effects to help with emotional or mental disturbances I would put it on my chest and spine.  Inhaling the Essential Oil will help quicker than simply applying them to the feet.

Lavender is a Middle Note Essential Oil

Properties:  antiseptic, diuretic, expectorant, emmenagogue, anti parasitic, sedative, anti-inflammatory

As always, any questions or concerns that you have don't hesitate to leave a comment or shoot me an email. Innersoles01{at}gmail{dot}com

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